Food Forests for Schools

可食用户外生态实验室加速学习-在TD Ready承诺的支持下成为可能

我们很荣幸成为首个获得100万美元TD Ready挑战赛奖金的获奖者,为AG亚游集团官方网站可食用生态实验室加速学习编程!

We invite you to watch the video we created as part of our submission to the TD Ready Challenge. 在这篇文章中,你将了解更多AG亚游集团官方网站的可食用户外生态实验室项目的成功,以及我们将如何利用TD Ready挑战补助金来改善数学学习损失,帮助学生茁壮成长.

The Education Fund's Edible Outdoor Eco-Labs tap into nature to teach core knowledge!

Nature can often be the best teacher. That's the premise of The Education Fund's Edible Outdoor Eco-Labs to Accelerate Learning program. 

The Edible Outdoor Eco-Lab is among The Education Fund’s most successful programs, improving 67% of students’ science achievement by using the great outdoors. Through the program, we install ‘Food Forests’, with trees, bushes, plants, and paths, on school grounds and then demonstrate to schools how to use them as outdoor classrooms. Students learn soil science, photosynthesis, physics, 以及其他科学概念以及健康的饮食习惯和营养知识,这些将持续一生.  

"We've seen tremendous learning loss from the COVID pandemic, especially in math," Linda Lecht, president of The Education Fund, explained. The TD Ready Challenge grant will allow us to "take a huge step forward, 将这些室外教室扩展为数学实验室,利用森林花园的力量来教育学生," Lecht said. “如果你曾经尝试过通过阅读数学知识并试图在脑海中想象这些概念来学习数学, it can be difficult. 让学生到户外这些环保的生态实验室意味着他们将在一个不同的空间学习, using materials from nature that truly open their minds."